
Version 0.16 for Galactic Rescue Demo is now live!

Among others, we are addressing the following:

1. Support for non 16:9 aspect ratios

Some players have reported that they play in extra wide screen (21:9) or 4:3 aspect ratios in their PCs. The game camera didn't display rooms properly if playing in any of these aspect ratios. 

To fix this, we now added letterboxing/pillarboxing if we detect non 16:9 aspect ratios and correctly display the camera.

2. Falling rock causes the player to get "stuck"

Some of our players told us that if one of the "falling rocks" falls on the character's head, they cannot move or movement is hindered. 

We have fixed this now. We have improved the ray cast check to account for the size of the character.

3. Cyclical death loop if "Reload Checkpoint" in last room

One player found that if they were choosing to "Reload Checkpoint" in the last room in the game, they were unfortunately falling into a "cyclical death loop" and had to quit the game to continue. This happened because the checkpoint in that last room was incorrectly placed outside the game map boundaries. 

We have fixed this now.

4. New Credits

We have changed the Credits a bit to show our full names and now "A Game By" is followed by "TMSI Games"

5. Power is "deselected" if losing battle

There is one power in the game that is acquired in a room where  the player must also battle some enemies and exit the room to keep the power. If the player looses the battle and the power was selected at the moment of death, the power continued to be selected when respawning, but it was not possible to use the power. This can be confusing. 

We now deselect the power automatically if that battle is lost.

5. New "player tips" show shoot directions and dash directions

It was not clear that it is possible to shoot and dash in different directions in the in-game UI player tip. 

We now show this more clearly. 

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